Winston is “totally over plaid”, but he’s “even more over last night’s hickies”.
Thanks to Kaitlin T. for the photo.
Winston is “totally over plaid”, but he’s “even more over last night’s hickies”.
Thanks to Kaitlin T. for the photo.
You can talk about Dogme 95 all night, Velvet still won’t watch anything by Lars Von Trier.
Thanks to Chelsea M. for the photo.
Max wants you to think about this cheese metaphysically.
Thanks to Michael A. for the photo.
Don’t get Chuck Bass started on the differences between “world music” and “international rock”.
Thanks to Archaffi for the photo.
Penny thought Yeasayer’s live show was an “iTunes ripoff” and is “totally over electro”.
Thanks to Mary N. for the photo.
Just because Luca wants to smoke a joint on April 20th, doesn’t mean he’s ‘celebrating 420’, OK?
Thanks to Tierney S. for the photo.
Abby Ryan wishes you would take the Tap Water Project a little more seriously.
Thanks to Greg DuBow for the photo.
Donatello doesn’t call it “TV” because nicknames are for friends.
Thanks to Zavi O. for the photo.
Valentino is surprised you don’t know the name of your condo’s architect.
Thanks to Vandvis for the photo.