Owen never misses “This American Life” (unless he has “This American Hangover”).
Thanks to Heather K. for the photo.
Owen never misses “This American Life” (unless he has “This American Hangover”).
Thanks to Heather K. for the photo.
Patas bought a case of Four Loko after “learning her lesson from the Sparks ban”. She then learned another lesson when she drank it.
Thanks to Colleen McG. for the photo.
Barb started drinking PBR because it’s “authentic”, but now drinks it because she’s “poor”.
Thanks to Susan Sharp for the photo.
Vincent Gallo calls this “pre-gaming” but will probably just be smoking bongs and watching Arrested Development on his MacBook tonight (spanning time).
Thanks to Shannon & Dan for the photo.
Geno is the first to tell you the importance of eating organic, but rarely mentions that he polishes off a fifth of Admiral Nelson every night.
Thanks to Betsy Viray for the photo.
If you’re out of PBR, there’s no way Sophie’s drinking any of that unauthentic crap in the fridge.
Even though his parents said he can put better beer on the credit card.
Thanks to liz bernunzio for the photo.