If you haven’t read The Waves, Molly will have to call an emergency session of the ‘Virginia Woolf Knitting Club’.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Sarah VanCamp for the photo.Knitted Bow Cat

If you haven’t read The Waves, Molly will have to call an emergency session of the ‘Virginia Woolf Knitting Club’.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Sarah VanCamp for the photo.Tags: book-worms, books, bows, hats, knitting, literary, orange, tabbies, Virgina Woolf
This kitty was posted on Saturday, February 27th, 2010 at 12:55 pm and is filed under Snobby Cats.
Submit hipster kitty photos to:
meow [at] hipsterkitty.com