Archive for the ‘Party Kitties’ Category

Cowboy Cat

Cowboy Cat

Fairway is determined to find a man, even if it means hitting every “bear bar” in the Bay Area.

Thanks to Kristen Strik for the photo.

PBR Kitty 2

PBR Kitty 2

If you’re out of PBR, there’s no way Sophie’s drinking any of that unauthentic crap in the fridge.

Raver Kitty 2

Raver Kitty 2

“Dude where’s my Scion? I think I took too much GHB.”

Hipster Hat Cat

Hipster Hat Cat

Hipster Hat Cat told his friends that they ran out of blow, but he’s been going to the litter box like every 15 minutes.

Pazza Loves PBR

Pazza Loves PBR

Even though his parents said he can put better beer on the credit card.

Thanks to liz bernunzio for the photo.

OMG This Cat Is My Homeboy!

OMG This Cat Is My Homeboy!

This cat puts the ‘glow’ in ‘day-glow’.

Thanks to avolluz65 for the photo.

Hipster Kitties Love PBR

Hipster Kitties Love PBR

“It’s the most authentic beer around.”

Thanks to KittyKatLounge for the photo.

Hangover Kitty

Hangover Kitty

Get Maggie a mimosa!

Thanks to Lucy Tartan for the photo.