Winston is “totally over plaid”, but he’s “even more over last night’s hickies”.
Thanks to Kaitlin T. for the photo.
Winston is “totally over plaid”, but he’s “even more over last night’s hickies”.
Thanks to Kaitlin T. for the photo.
This party is BYOB? Mr. Johnny Cash brought a mix-tape.
Thanks to Nikki R. for the photo.
Patas bought a case of Four Loko after “learning her lesson from the Sparks ban”. She then learned another lesson when she drank it.
Thanks to Colleen McG. for the photo.
This hangover makes Maggie regret popping the lenses out of her Raybans.
Thanks to Christina M. for the photo.
Barb started drinking PBR because it’s “authentic”, but now drinks it because she’s “poor”.
Thanks to Susan Sharp for the photo.
Rugby was drinking 5-hour Energy back when they still sold Sparks.
Thanks to Scott for the photo.
Don’t confuse the 80’s with the early 90’s around Nixon.
Thanks to Emily Kastelic for the photo.
Chester is on the ‘three-c diet’: Coffee, Cigarettes & Cocaine.
Thanks to Kim Gullion for the photo.
Vincent Gallo calls this “pre-gaming” but will probably just be smoking bongs and watching Arrested Development on his MacBook tonight (spanning time).
Thanks to Shannon & Dan for the photo.