Don’t get Chuck Bass started on the differences between “world music” and “international rock”.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Archaffi for the photo.Androgynous Scarf Cat

Don’t get Chuck Bass started on the differences between “world music” and “international rock”.
Submit a hipster kitty photoThanks to Archaffi for the photo.Tags: androgynous, better than you, music nerds, scarves, tabbies, world music
This kitty was posted on Monday, May 3rd, 2010 at 12:01 pm and is filed under Kitty Music Scene.
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meow [at]
Beautiful little hipster kitty! We more pictures of chuck bass please!!
hahaha! chuck bass is so pretentious. we want more pictures of chuck bass too.
chuck bass looks just like the original hipster kitty. all he needs is a purple hoodie and glasses. more chuck bass please!
will, kari, and laura are goobs CTI
adam sounds like a sour puss to me… MoRe ChUcK bAsS PlS!!@!1!!! LaWlXoRz!!!!1!!!11